크롬북내에서의 명령페이지(?) 리스트를 뽑아보았습니다.
사실 제가 웹상에서 쓰려고, 여기에 크롬URL의 소스를 첨부했습니다.
지원 안하는 명령페이지(?)도 있습니다.
List of Chrome URLs
- chrome://appcache-internals
- chrome://blob-internals
- chrome://bookmarks
- chrome://cache
- chrome://chrome-urls<---이 파일의 소스로 첨부했습니다.
- chrome://crashes
- chrome://credits
- chrome://dns
- chrome://downloads
- chrome://extensions
- chrome://flags
- chrome://flash
- chrome://gpu-internals
- chrome://histograms
- chrome://history
- chrome://ipc
- chrome://memory
- chrome://net-internals
- chrome://view-http-cache
- chrome://newtab
- chrome://plugins
- chrome://print
- chrome://quota-internals
- chrome://sessions
- chrome://settings
- chrome://stats
- chrome://sync-internals
- chrome://tcmalloc
- chrome://terms
- chrome://version
- chrome://workers
- chrome://linux-proxy-config
- chrome://sandbox
- chrome://active-downloads
- chrome://choose-mobile-network
- chrome://cryptohome
- chrome://imageburner<---크롬OS복구 디스크를 만듭니다.
- chrome://keyboardoverlay
- chrome://login
- chrome://network
- chrome://oobe
- chrome://os-credits
- chrome://proxy-settings
- chrome://system<---크롬북 하드웨어 정보를 볼수 있습니다.
For Debug
The following pages are for debugging purposes only. Because they crash or hang the renderer, they're not linked directly; you can type them into the address bar if you need them.
- chrome://crash
- chrome://kill
- chrome://hang
- chrome://shorthang
- chrome://gpuclean
- chrome://gpucrash
- chrome://gpuhang